The common practice and historically respected
nature of non-profit work was to remain discreet
and avoid publicity. This was ARTOC’s path for
decades until ARTOC developed its CSR profile.
However, today ARTOC’s firm belief is that every
Egyptian must share in developing this country and
beyond, and therefore, we decided that no effort can
be effective unless it was part of a greater number of
initiatives with a multiplier effect that has a tipping
point impact. As a result, we are choosing to publicize
the work of our Corporate Social Responsibility
Program as well as that of the Mohamed Shafik Gabr
Foundation for Social Development as an invitation
to others to play their role in development.
There are multiple challenges facing this country
and the world and every individual or corporate
citizen should do their part in giving back to society.
We must all share the responsibility and get involved
in causes greater than our own prosperity.
At ARTOC, we are committed to raising the quality of
life everywhere we do business and beyond.
In line with our philosophy, ARTOC is a signatory
to the United Nations Global Compact, which is a
commitment to the highest levels of responsible
corporate citizenship. Signatories to the Global
Compact work to advance ten universal principles in
the areas of human rights, labor, the environment,
and anti-corruption.
Similarly, we are at the forefront of advocating trade
and investment liberalization and economic and social
reform through our leadership in organizations such
as the World Economic Forum, the Arab Business
Council, Egypt’s International Economic Forum, and
the Egypt-US Business Council.
ARTOC believes that businesses must be proactive
not only in seizing the opportunities created by
globalization, but also in helping citizens meet the
challenges which inevitably accompany it.