With individuals and nations alike, superior education is the foundation for success. ARTOC’s wide ranging programs in the educational field span from a major focus on primary schools, illiteracy eradication, sponsorships, training, scientific research and university education.
ARTOC’s multifaceted efforts in these areas include funding the revamping and modernization of schools within Egypt’s First Lady Suzanne Mubarak’s (100 Schools Initiative) and establishing arts and culture programs, theatres, field programs, sports tournaments, music and all within a spirited and health intra school competition program. It gives ARTOC great pride that our efforts have been accredited with a certification for applying total quality standards to all our schools. ARTOC also |
supports the Future Generation Foundation for professional training of graduates. ARTOC also funds scholarships for promising young Egyptians to study at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the USA and the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy in Singapore. We continue to sponsor the expansion of scientific research in Egypt. As huge believers in scientific research, ARTOC continues a program of supporting the same on an intellectual and practical level.
ARTOC supports the American University in Cairo in a multi-dimensional manner by contributing to the establishment of the ARTOC Central Sports Complex, the Malak Gabr Arts Theatre, the Mohamed Shafik Gabr Department of Economics and the Mohamed Shafik Gabr Lecture Hall. |