ARTOC’s Diversity of Initiatives: We work
with NGOs—and with government, business,
and civic leaders—to bring a multi-disciplinary
focus on a number of fronts. We work
in underprivileged areas. We bring sports,
art and theater to schools. We distribute
some 75,000 iftars (breaking the fast |
At ARTOC, we are committed to investing in social
development and continuously enhancing our
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
ARTOC’s vision is implemented with a passion,
building on a diversity of initiatives, embracing a
contrarian approach when necessary and nurturing
a pioneering spirit. We have adopted these
pillars—the foundation of ARTOC’s business
success—to animate our CSR vision. We are employing
a diversity of initiatives: ambitious programs
in communities large and small, rural and
urban; working with NGOs—and with |
government, business, and civic leaders to bring a
multidisciplinary focus. We are passionate about
our goals and their implementation.
ARTOC’s work internally and externally in education,
training, recognizing excellence, health,
community services, youth, empowering women,
culture and support of leading nongovernmental
and multilateral institutions in their work to meet
challenges of human trafficking, rehabilitating child
soldiers, reducing illiteracy, renovating schools and
skill development is but a journey of challenges and
opportunities towards a brighter future. |
meals) during the holy month of Ramadan.
We provide emergency food and clothing
to victims of natural disasters. We channel
diversified educational opportunities,
assistance, and contributions to those in
need. We help youth, women and graduates
by building their knowledge, capacities
and skill sets. |